Electric Wheelchair Charger: The Ultimate Guide

About Electric Wheelchair Charger, Today, electric wheelchairs have granted mobility to the many people who can’t operate manual wheelchairs while making it easier to take on tough terrain and steep inclines.

However, for all this to be accomplished, the wheelchair needs a battery.

Hence the need for an electric wheelchair charger to ensure your wheelchair keeps running.

The article below will discuss further wheelchair batteries and their chargers.

Electric Wheelchair Batteries Understanding

Below are the key aspects that will help you understand more about electric wheelchair batteries.

What Voltage is Wheelchair Batteries?

With wheelchair batteries, the key aspects to consider are chemistry and voltage.

Normally wheelchair batteries are 12V batteries, and electric wheelchairs run on a 24V system, meaning you’ll need two 12V batteries to meet the system requirements.

When purchasing your batteries, it’s vital to get the same batteries which means they have the same  (measured in Ah).

The higher the Ah rating, the longer your battery lasts. 

What Type of Battery Does a Wheelchair Use?

For your electric wheelchair, you can use two types of batteries, either gel or AGM batteries.

Both are SLA batteries meaning they produce electricity via chemical reactions between the electrolyte (sulphuric acid solution) and the plates packed inside.

The key difference between gel and AGM batteries is how the electrolyte is stored.

AGM batteries suspend the electrolyte by a series of fiberglass separators holding the solution between the battery plates.

On the other hand, with gel batteries, the electrolyte contains a silica additive that converts the electrolyte to a gel-like mass. 

Also, not forgetting to mention deep cycle batteries engineered to provide sustained and small levels of power over a long period.

Their enhanced life cycle allows you to use them for prolonged periods making them perfect for wheelchairs.

Which is Better, Gel or AGM

Below are the differences between gel and AGM batteries.

Long lifespanShort lifespan
Hold charge for long periodsHold power for short periods
Cost more upfront but last longerCheaper but don’t last as long as gel batteries
Take long to recharge Recharge much quicker

Having discussed the differences between gel and AGM batteries, it is clear that they hold an advantage, making them the better choice for an electric wheelchair battery.

Gel Battery

Caption: Gel Battery

How Long Do Wheelchair Batteries Last?

If you fully charge your wheelchair battery, you could expect it to serve you up to eight hours and last you roughly between one to two years.

However, your battery’s actual lifespan depends on the following factors.

  1. Whether you charge your battery properly.
  2. The weight you transport on the wheelchair.
  3. How often do you use the wheelchair?
  4. The type of terrain you take on.

How to Charge an Electric Wheelchair: Step by Step

To charge your wheelchair battery, follow the steps below.

  1. Park your wheelchair next to an outlet.
  2. Ensure the controller power is off and the wheelchair is set to drive mode.
  3. Plug one end of the battery charger into the charging port on the control panel.
  4. Plug the connector into an outlet.
  5. Give the wheelchair a maximum of 10 hours to fully charge.
  6. Unplug both ends from the wheelchair battery and power outlet.

Tips to Maximize Your Battery’s Lifespan

Knowing how to maintain your wheelchair’s battery properly could go a long way in increasing its lifespan and lowering the overall cost of owning an electric wheelchair because your battery lasts longer.

The tips below could help you maximize your wheelchair battery’s lifespan.

  • Recharge your batteries daily after use instead of draining them for a couple of days and then charging them.
  • Avoid draining more than 50% of your battery because deeper and longer discharges reduce your battery’s lifespan.
  • Always use the battery charger with the wheelchair when buying a manufacturer-approved replacement. Using another charger brings about the risk of overcharging and damaging your battery.
  • Charge the batteries at room temperature and avoid charging the battery in cold temperatures, as this reduces the battery’s lifespan.
  • Allow your battery to charge an additional two hours after 100% to attain the float stage for increased drive time.
  • Don’t use any of the two 12V batteries to power other devices because you won’t be able to recover the power drained.
  • If you don’t use your wheelchair frequently, you could charge it every two weeks. If you go for more than two weeks without using your electric wheelchair, it’s best to unplug the battery.

How do you Find a Wheelchair Battery Charger?

The most important factor when choosing a wheelchair battery charger is compatibility in terms of voltage and chemistry.

Therefore, if you’re using two 12V batteries, you’ll need a charger that can provide an output of up to 24V.

Most modern batteries have a setting for different battery chemistries.

If you’re using a charger with different settings, ensure you always have the right settings for your battery chemistry before trying to charge the battery.


There you have it; all you need to know about electric wheelchair batteries, from how to recharge them to how long they last.

For all your wheelchair battery charger cables, feel free to contact Cloom Tech.